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St Johnstone Youth Academy 200 Club

Join us in Raising Money for our Young Saints

The 200 Club is a great way for parents, family, friends and fans to raise money and support all the execllent work that goes on with our Academy players, coaches and support staff.
To enter all you need to do is complete an application form(see link below) set up a standing order and when we receive your first paymnet you will be allocated a number and placed in the monthly draw with a chance to win cash and Saints related prizes
Return completed forms to McDiarmid Park office fao Violet or email to




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St Johnstone Football Club Youth Academy, McDiarmid Park, Crieff Road, Perth, PH1 2SJ Registered in Scotland 7629

Unless otherwise stated all photographs on this site are ©Perthshire Picture Agency and may not be used without permission.

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